Friday 23 March 2012

Objective for a Resume - How To Develop A Killer Resume Objective

Objective for a Resume - Guest article by Dale Robinson who has the opportunity to review resumes on a regular basis. He has seen the good, the bad and the terrible. More bad and terrible than good.

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Resumes are required for most jobs. It is important to include a good objective for a resume. A few years ago only the top jobs and professional positions required a resume. Today, it is hard to get you foot in the door at all

Interviewing Answers

Video Resumes What Is A Video Resume And When Should You Use One

What Is A Video Resume?
Video resume? - There is no doubt about it video is going to become a force in career development whether it be video interviewing, with Skype bringing video interviewing into the reach of nearly everyone.

However the use of a video resume is a very new concept except maybe in the recruitment of performing / artistic / reality TV type role. As an example I have never been sent a video resume, though one candidate did include a link in his CV / resume to a short video

video resume / Video CV

Resume Objective Statement Examples - The Do's And Don'ts Of Successful Objectives Writing

Resume / CV Objective Statement Examples - Why Use An Objective Statement?
Objective Statement Examples - Done right a resume objective statement / CV objective statement is the most compelling way to start your CV / resume.


Because it marries what you want with what your reader wants.

Anyone who is hiring is facing a buying decision, and asking themselves the following questions as they read your CV / resume.

What does this person want?
How much?
What's in it for

Resume / CV Objective Statement Examples

Friday 16 March 2012

Objective On CV - Does An Objective Statement Help Or Hinder?

Objective On CV Does an objective statement help sell you to the interviewer?


In most cases no!


But everything I hear or read about CV writing techniques tell's me that a an objective statement on a CV is the most powerful way to start your CV.


And done correctly it is, but most of the time it is not well, and can be either of no real value to your CV or even harmful.


The reason is simple, an objective on a CV is all about YOU.



Objective on CV

Sunday 26 February 2012

Skype Interview Tips - Acing Skype Job Interview

How To Ace Your Skype Interviews
Skype interview tips background – Using Skype for job interviews is massively on the increase, and why wouldn’t it be, when it saves huge amounts of time & money.

Rather than have to travel hundreds or even thousands of miles to attend an interview with all associated costs, the alternative can be simply to find yourself a quiet tidy well lit location, where you can hold your Skype interview.


For those that don’t know what Skype is,

Skype Interview Tips

Sunday 19 February 2012

Self Improvement

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Sunday 12 February 2012

Learn How To Honestly Play To YOUR Strengths - Chapter 2

Learn How To Honestly Play To YOUR Strengths

Having listed most of the behavior and competencies that YOUR TARGET employer is looking for in the Form.

We are soon going to add all your skills and experience.

But first.

Let's make sure we're properly prepared and take advantage of the great free personal assessment services that are available on the Internet to help align your key motivations and competencies with the desired role.


Take the MAPP personal motivation

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Why This Stuff Works - Chapter

Why This Stuff Works

If I were you, before I start getting into thick of it I would like a little more convincing - Why does this stuff WORK?.


To explain this, may I briefly cover my background, and why I am building this resource.


Briefly I recruit business consultants for large consultancy firms, folks who I would expect to be brilliant at presenting themselves through the hiring process (It's pretty close to what they do every day of their working

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